best essential oils for younger looking skin

Top 3 Essential Oils for Wrinkles

We all must accept the fact that aging is inevitable. And with aging comes changes in our appearance. Wrinkles are a natural part of aging, but exposure to the sun, not enough water, and our diet can also contribute.

For those of you who are looking to minimize the appearance of your wrinkles, I’m gonna let you know the top three essential oils to use to do just that. You can thank me later.

Rose- For thousands of years, people have been using rose oil on their skin for its intoxicating and relaxing fragrance. It can help bring balance and harmony, putting you in a relaxed state. Rose oil can also prevent damage to your DNA, has anti-inflammatory properties, and can reduce scarring. Additionally, it is great when used for viral infections, skin conditions, and wrinkles.

Sandlewood- Sandalwood has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for skin revitilization. has antitumoral, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It can be used for viral infections, cold sores, acne, scars, and wrinkles. The fragrance help remove negative programming from the cells and can be grounding and stabilizing.

Lavender- Looking for a natural way to improve your skin? Look no further than lavender! This versatile herb has antiseptic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help heal wounds and promote tissue regeneration. It's also great for combating excess sebum, making it an ideal treatment for conditions like acne, eczema, and wrinkles. And if that wasn't enough, the soothing fragrance of lavender is also incredibly calming and relaxing. Lavender is also one of my favorite essential oils to use on a daily basis.


Wrinkle reducing blend

  • 6 drops of Frankincense

  • 5 drops of Sandalwood

  • 4 drops of Geranium

  • 5 drops of Lavender

Add these essential oils to 1oz of carrier oil and keep in an amber colored bottle. Use a dropperful (1-2ml) every night or twice daily if you choose. Rub your face and neck gently until fully absorbed after cleansing with mild soap and water. Use a toner right before your essential oil blend.

To learn more about essential oils and their uses, join me for my free Essential Oils 101 virtual workshop hosted monthly.

Book an appointment with an aromatherapist for your custom wellness plan.

To purchase the oils mentioned above, visit this site for your therapeutic grade oils and diffusers.