
Best Essential Oils for Air Fresheners and Cleaning

If you're looking for a safer, more environmentally friendly way to freshen your home and improve your indoor air quality, consider using essential oils. Essential oils come from nature and don't have any harmful chemicals in them, which makes them a safer choice than many other air fresheners and cleaning products. They're better for the environment and can save you money in the long run. And because they support better health, you can feel good about using them in your home.

Here’s a list of the best essential oils to use in your home.

Lemon- Lemon essential oil is a versatile oil with many benefits. It can be used for cleaning and promoting clarity of thought. The invigorating fragrance is perfect for an air freshener. Lemon essential oil is also warming and great for cleaning. The citrus scent is refreshing and uplifting.

Cinnamon Bark- If you're looking for an air freshener that provides a sweet, warm, comforting aroma, look no further than Cinnamon Bark essential oil! In addition to its lovely scent, Cinnamon Bark oil also has antibacterial properties, making it ideal for freshening up any room in your home.

Tea Tree- This essential oil is antimicrobial and promotes cleansing and purity. Additionally, Tea Tree oil is antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. This makes it a great option for cleaning your home naturally and preventing the growth of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

Thyme- If you're looking for a natural way to repel insects and clean your home, thyme essential oil is a great option. This oil is highly antimicrobial and has purifying agents that can help cleanse your home. Additionally, thyme essential oil is an antioxidant, which can help protect your home from environmental damage.

Lavender- If you're looking for a natural air freshener with a calming and relaxing aroma, look no further than lavender essential oil. This must-have oil is perfect for promoting a peaceful environment and is especially conducive to sleep. Whether you use it in a diffuser or simply add a few drops to a cotton ball and place it around your home, you're sure to enjoy the relaxing benefits of lavender.

Rose- Rose essential oil is an amazing air freshener! Not only does it have a beautiful fragrance, but it also has aphrodisiac-like properties that can bring good cheer and lightness of spirit. In addition, rose oil is known for its ability to bring balance and harmony.


Citrus Blend- Wild Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, Bergamot, Red Mandarin, Green Mandarin, and Lime are all great as an air freshener. If you're looking for an uplifting and invigorating atmosphere, Citrus Bliss is a great essential oil blend to freshen the air. It has a fresh, clean scent that is sure to boost your mood. Citrus also has potent cleaning properties, making it a great choice for creating a positive space.

To make your own household cleaner, mix 2 parts distilled water to one part vinegar, a tablespoon of baking soda, and 20 drops of your choice of essential oils in a spray bottle.

For an air freshener, fill a spray bottle with distilled water and add your essential oils. 30 drops should do the trick.